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Boston Bookworm

Garnet Flats by Devney Perry

Garnet Flats is the third book in the Edens Series. This one is about Talia Eden and Foster Madden. I just want to begin this review by stating that with the blurb for the book I went into it thinking I would not like this book above the others in this series and that I would have a very hard time liking Foster. However, I am so happy to say I was wrong, this book is perfection.

Talia Eden is home in Quincy taking up her residency in her hometown hospital. However, growing up in a town where everyone has seen you grow up makes things a bit tricky when it comes to taking her seriously with their care. that was the most of her problems until the man who she loved with her entire heart, and he broke it seven years ago comes walking right back into it asking her for another chance. There is not much more to the plot I can say without giving away the entire book. All I can really say is everything is not as it seems. This book keeps you guessing, it has its funny moments, heart breaking moments, and moments of love and support from family. Madden is just perfect. And I love that Talia knows herself worth and does not let him barge in and pick up where they left off. Even though this is the third book in the series it can be read as a standalone. I cannot wait to see what the next book has in store for us!

ARC exchanged for an honest review.

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