Keeper is a second chance romance with a unique twist. Delaney had woken up in a hospital bed with no memory of her life before that. She had suffered from some head trauma and had amnesia. Decker was visiting his mother in the hospital and by chance had walked into Delaneys room. He’s the only person in the time that she had been there that had recognized her. We find out that Delaney used to be best friends with Deckers sister Lacey before she had moved away a few years before that. Delaney was prim and proper and Decker was a bad boy always in trouble. Decker was always weak when it came to Delaney (we find that out later on) and agreed to help her get settled into her new life. Throughout the first part of the book we see how those one way feelings Decker had years ago are no longer one way and Delaneys new self makes it clear to him about it. It takes a ghost from Delaneys past to give Decker the push he needs to take the next step with her. I loved everything about this couple. I loved how they both were so in love it was like no one else existed but the two of them, They both had their possessive streaks (which in a lot of books it’s just the man who has this trait, but it was nice to see it go both ways), they both had swoon worthy moments, and they both had such big hearts. I do wish that this book had given a bit more of a background from Deckers point of view of how prim and proper Denaney was so we could see how much she had changed from her past. I also wish there was more about Delaneys relationship with her mother, because from a readers point of view going into that scene with no real background is just a bunch of unnecessary aggression and we don’t really have too much to go on other than job commitment. I also wish there was a little more to go on with Charles, and I really wish Decker would have at least gotten one punch in on him. I really did enjoy this book more than I thought I would going into it with such a dark beginning, however there were just some things that were missing for me that would have made this book go from a good read to a must read for me.
“This might sound super cheesy, but you gave me butterflies. Something about that bubbling feeling told me to trust you. This has turned out to be my best decision yet. So, always trust the butterflies.”