So I normally say no thank you to books about college students. But given that I Loved the Pucked series and the All In series by Helena Hunting I HAD to see what Alex, Violet, Rook and Lanie were up too as well as their children.
Little Lies is about The Waters daughter Lavender and The Bowmans Son Kodiak. These two have known each other their entire lives, I liked the concept of finding your soulmate before you are old enough to really know what that means. They both were there for each other through some of the traumas of growing up, and lavender had gone through some crazy things when she was younger. But the way they needed each other grew to be toxic and their parents thought it was best to keep them apart.
Flash forward to college Lavender is 19 and Kody 21. Kody still thinks he needs to save Lavender from him and is nothing but terrible too her trying to keep her at a distance, however he is still there making sure that “if he cant have her no one can”. I honestly have such mixed feelings about their relationship. The scene where Kodiak went off the deep end and had to confess his feelings was great, however, the scene after that had me questioning quite a bit of things, more so from violets personality though the book than the actual act of what happened, because shes supposed to be this shy timid anxious person and Kody is part of the reason for some anxiety at this point, but she can do what she did in front of him like nothing? (Trying not to spoil anything). I also think that after everything Kody had put her though Lavender forgave him WAY to quickly. But after my issues with that, the way they were in their relationship once it got going was cute. I do wish we got more time with them learning to be a couple and not just fast forwarding a few months out.
I did like this book, but I just wish there were more too it. It just seemed like there were a bunch of parts to this story that was fast forwarded and just resolved to get to the next part. Like Kody and Mav are best friends and do everything together but are hardly having conversations through this book. River being gay and not knowing how to deal with it, Lavender and Violet knowing he was gay, but there was no hint to it at all until he was caught. (Speaking of this, I really want more of Josiah and River, I wish we got more of them in this book, we didn’t see them together much, but Josiah was one of my favorite characters). Even everyone knowing Kody was in love with Lavender except for Lavender, there was nothing really leading to that but his inner dialect; nothing showing in the way he treated her, I just think more should have happened with his struggle with loving her and not just being straight up mean.
All in all I think I am a little disappointed, I loved the other series so much my expectations were really high. And I know Helena Hunting can make men grovel, and that’s exactly what Kody needed to do, he needed redemption and instead he was irrationally mean, and then Lavender just forgave him like it was no big deal. It was not a bad read by any means, but I just really wish there was more to a lot of the book.