Taste is the second book in the continuation of the Cloverleigh Farms series. However, these characters are not the children of the series nor is this located around Cloverleigh. But, it’s still such a great surprise because these are the children of the characters in the Frenched series.
Ellie and Gianni are frenemies that have had to put up with each other growing up because their mothers are best friends. Gianni is a trouble maker who is always the center of attention and Ellie is a straight and narrow “princess” who is looking to make her name in the wine industry.
I cannot really go into much detail about this book without really giving much away. But just know that it is really adorable. It’s funny and sweet and swoony. It’s a bit predictable; but it’s still a good read. The characters are great and the side characters are hilarious. You can easily read this in one sitting and have no regrets about doing so.
You don’t need to read the other books in the series to know what is going on. But the characters are from other books so you will get a better feeling for the side characters if you did.
ARC exchanged for honest review
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