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Boston Bookworm

The Bully by Willa Nash

The Bully is the fourth book in the Calamity Montana series by Willa Nash. This book is about two character we had been introduced to in the previous book of this series. Nellie Rivera and Cal Stark have known each other since high school. Nellie was a scholarship student who was bullied by all of the rich students attending the private school, but no one was meaner to her than Cal. They both have a mutual best friend who is more like family to them and both decide to move to Calamity to be closer; Nellie because she works for Peirce's company and Cal because Peirce is really the only family he feels like he has.

Through out this story we get glimpses into their freshman year of high school through Nellies diary and just how cruel Cal was to her, weather it be through misunderstanding or Cal being an entitled jerk. We saw how much his actions effected not only Nellie but her family as well and how much pressure Cal was under and is still from his father.

I really liked this book, the only thing I wish we had gotten more of was their relationship over the last 20 years. We saw how Cal was his freshman year of high school but going from 14 to 34 a lot would have happened in between for them to still be so hostile towards each other, and I think that would have added more of a good reason for them to not get along than "he was mean in high school". There was also an entry that stated how she couldn't wait to get away from Pierce; I wish we had gotten a little glimpse of their high school relationship and how he ended up getting forgiven and Nellie and him became so close.

I loved Nellies relationship with her parents; especially her dad. I loved how she opened up to other people as the book went along and how even though her and Cal didn't get along it never interfered with loving Elias and Constance.

I also loved how throughout Cals life he was always the mean grumpy jerk to everyone; especially being in the public eye through out his NFL career, however it was what he was doing behind the scenes that showed us how big his heart really is. He never needed the credit and was fine being the jerk that people would want to leave alone.

You do not have to read the entire series to enjoy this book. But I would recommend reading The Brazen prior to this to get a better understanding of their relationships with the side characters throughout the book.

ARC exchanged for honest review.

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